Progressive “Snapshot” Commercial – We Live in Interesting Times

Yesterday, I saw this commercial for the first time. It features a device called “Snapshot“, which when installed in your car will allow Progressive to track things like your driving speed, sudden braking, etc., etc. in real time. In exchange, drivers could receive up to 30% off their car insurance after 1 year of safe driving.

It’s an interesting way to entice safe drivers to switch to progressive, but I have to say that I’m not sure how comfortable I am with my car insurance company knowing where I am at all times and what my driving habits are. We’ve already seen what large companies do with private information, the most recent examples being the phone hacking scandal at News Corp and the hacking of the PS3 network.

I’m sure Progressive has taken the implications of the device into consideration. Only the market will decide if this is the sort of road we’re willing to go down.

About ML

For the past 5 years I have been a resident of NE DC. I now own a home with my girlfriend in Brentwood. I created this blog to highlight some of the interesting things I've seen and done in and around parts of NE DC.

Posted on July 20, 2011, in Technology, Television and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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